Monday, March 9, 2009


The concept of homosexuality is such that it is still considered wrong or sinful in India. The society does not accept homosexuality in a healthy manner and its legal sanction is still pending. The youth today gets different notions about homosexuality from different quarters of the society. While it is not even allowed to utter the word homosexuality in most homes at the same time there is a silent movement for the rights of gays and lesbians by some of the NGOs and other groups, that’s going on in the society. The youth thus remains confused about what is to be accepted and what is to be discarded.

They do hardly get a chance to discuss and know about homosexuality as it is almost considered to be a taboo. They often land up having a wrong notion about it. In a recent television show for the youth on Mtv,“Roadies”, a reflection of this wrong conception was seen. When asked about homosexuality most of them said they despised it. Some of them even pointed out that it is against our culture and is an adverse effect of the western culture that we have imbibed to such a great extent. This was a rather shocking revelation. Young educated people, residing in metros has such a wrong notion about sexual orientation of a group of people who differ from them a bit. Even if some of the young people understand it, they might just not accept it in the fear of being looked down upon by their peers. Several movies have homosexuality portrayed in it. Films like “Page 3” and “Metro” does not portray it as negative but at the same time fails to depict it as normal. Certain films like “Girlfriend” by highlighting this issue, does more bad than good to it. Only a few films like “My Brother Nikhil” and Fire” addresses the issue in a sensible manner.

The youth today are being served a huge amount of manipulated information. The gatekeeping being done is leading to the formation of wrong notions and beliefs which might prove detrimental for the youth as well as the society at large. It is the responsibility of the youth to use their discretion and knowledge to understand the world around them.

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